Monday, 26 October 2009

Online Dating – Where to go on A Date.

Online Dating – Where to go on a date.

I am sure you all have your own ideas for this and we would never dictate to you where you should be taking your date. However, dating in general does have a certain set of rules that will help your date be as successful as possible.

The aim of a FIRST date is to initially find out if you like the person. Not necessarily in terms of looks, because you will have established that pretty quickly if you haven’t already; but to see if you are compatible socially and to gauge the other person personally. So, you need to choose a dating location that isn't detrimental to your evening.

Where ever you choose to go on a date, the ability to talk without being interrupted by others is imperative. Also choosing somewhere where you are likely to bump into people you know may be obstructive to your evening.

Choose an activity you can do together and not something that separates you. Sometimes being too creative can appear a bit too heavy going and be off putting to your date. There is always date ONE and TWO for this. Likewise with picking really expensive evenings that may make your date feel awkward OR make you look like you’re trying too hard. These things can have a negative effect!

Loud music is a big obstacle while on a first date, this often prevents good conversation.
What works well on a date is a comfortable environment where other couples may go to socialize. Meeting for a coffee or even lunch in a nice bar or pub is an option. Sometimes meeting in a shopping centre for a drink and a mooch round the shops will help you to get a sense of what the other person likes and opens up some great conversation.

Dating is a ritual and before most dates it is normal to be nervous. This is often because of ‘fear of the unknown.’ We meet new people all the time, but with 'dating' there is a certain level of pressure and uncertainty that meeting other people in every day life doesn’t bring.

One way to ease the pressure during dating or prior to going on a date is to call your date up. This allows you to understand their social and emotional behavior better and form a more grounded relationship. Hearing a voice is important and something you cannot gauge just by email.

If your online dating is going well and you are successfully arranging dates, it is safe to assume at this point you have exchanged numbers. A quick call a few days before and maybe on the day to make sure everything is going ahead as planned is ok. If you wanted to add a bit of quirkiness to it, call your date if you are first to arrive, ask them what they would like from the bar!

Of course your expectations are more likely to be met if you chat over the phone, as it is quite easy to build up an image in your mind of what your date will sound like as well as look like. Too many surprises while dating can sometimes be a distraction. Dating should be a fun and enjoyable experience, so ensure that your evening goes without a glitch.

Online Dating – Before The Date

Online Dating – Before The Date

Dating is a ritual and before most dates it is normal to be nervous. This is often because of ‘fear of the unknown. We meet new people all the time, but with 'dating' there is a certain level of pressure and uncertainty that meeting people in every day life doesn’t bring. One way to ease the pressure during dating or prior to going on a date is to call your date up. This allows you to understand their social and emotional behavior better and form a more grounded relationship,hearing a voice is important and something you cannot gauge just by email. If your online dating is going well and you are successfully arranging dates, it is safe to assume at this point you have exchanged numbers, so a quick call a few days before also maybe on the day to make sure everything is still O.K. If you wanted to a bit of quirkiness to it, call your date if you are first to arrive, ask them what they would like from the bar! Of course your expectations are more likely to be met if you chat over the phone, as it is quite easy to build up an image in your mind of what your date will sound like as well as look like. Too many surprises while dating can sometimes be a distraction. Dating should be a fun and enjoyable experience, so ensure that your evening goes without a glitch.

Good luck Love TheOneThatYouWant x

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Online Dating – Email Etiquette

Online Dating – Email Etiquette.

Online Dating can often seem a complex and daunting task if you are new to online dating. However, online dating is the fastest and most successful way to meet new people. More singles now meet online than through work or friends. In fact 30 million Britain's have used one or more online dating sites to meet new people at some point. To ensure that your online dating experience is a fun and successful one; we have compiled a basic list of the DO’s and DONT’s of e-mail etiquette when online.

• Address your date by his or her first name; this makes it feel more intimate.
• Let your personality shine through.
• When online dating, ensure you are polite and courteous at all times.
• Show an interest in your date’s previous online messages and what they have to say in general.
• Put thought and effort into personal messages rather than saying the bear minimum to save time.

• Continue to message people who have not responded to you or have declined you.
• Send the same message to lots of different people. This could be thought of as spamming.
• Sell your life story while online dating. This may creep people out.
• Lie about important information about yourself. Do not give misleading information.
• Give out personal and sensitive information while online dating. At least until you are sure about your potential match.

Friday, 23 October 2009

TheOneThatYouWant Top 10 Tips for Online Dating

TheOneThatYouWant Top 10 Tips for Online Dating:

To help you find Mr. or Mrs. Right in the world of Online Dating, we have broken down the Top 10 online dating advice tips to help increase your success so you can date smarter and safer, and meet TheOneThatYouWant!

General pointers:

1. Take time to write a careful winning online profile. Be open and honest about yourself; what’s the point in lying? The truth will come out eventually should you meet the dater. You wouldn’t want other people to mislead you online so don’t do it to others.

2. Describe the person that you would like to meet in detail. If you want to date someone who has never been married with any children, say so.

3. Spend time on your profile describing your interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. It is just as important to describe what you like, as well as what you dislike. This will help attract someone with similar interests.

4. Add more than one photo to your profile. Your main photo should be a clear head shot, preferably with you smiling so you look approachable. Refrain from uploading shots that are too sexy or crude as you may attract the wrong type of date. A profile with a photo gets over 9 times the amount of replies than one without.

5. Have plenty of fun. The most important thing when meeting new people is to relax and have fun. When beginning your relationship online by email, be private and cautious, but don't be too serious either, find a balance. A sense of humor online is just as important as offline.

6. Update your profile occasionally to keep it fresh. For instance, if you just got back from a great holiday put some new pictures on. There is nothing more boring than reading a generic online dating profile that says “I love to travel and enjoy films.” Where do you like to travel to and why? What type of films do you enjoy watching and why? The more detail, the better; and the more chance you have of meeting someone who has similar interests.

7. Always be polite when communicating on an online dating site. If you are scared to tell someone “no” because it may hurt their feelings, simply tell them politely that you are looking for a certain type of person and not to take it personally. If someone is rude to you or offends you, simply ignore them and/or block them.

8. Do not give out personal details such as your last name or mobile early on. You should definitely not include these in your profile until you are comfortable and have got to know the person. Most websites will have strict rules on this.

9. Listen to your intuition. If something doesn't feel right to you, it usually isn't. Your instincts will play a large part in your online dating experience.

10. Always meet in a public place for the first time. A good place to meet is for coffee or lunch in a busy place. Make sure you let someone know where you will be and who you are with.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Online Dating Tips for Men

Getting the Girl Online: The Rules of the Game

  • If you like a girl let her know. She is not a mind reader.

  • Message her online, flirt with her online or add her to your hot list online.

  • Once you do start talking to a girl you like, don’t start stalking her on Facebook or MySpace.

  • Don’t ignore her because you think girls like a bad boy. Most women just want a nice genuine guy.

  • Once you’ve been talking for a while online, ask her out sooner rather than later because remember guys.... she will be speaking to other guys.

Ok so you’ve been online and found TheOneThatYouWant, well for this date at least! Here are some top tips about dating.........

Golden Dating Rules for Men:

  • Look your best. Get some decent clothes and shoes. Women always look at your shoes. If you can't take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of her?

  • Sort out your hygiene and styling. Go down to the barbers, get your hair styled if possible. If you don't have much hair, still get down to the barbers, maybe get your head shaved.

  • Women want a man who has some ambition in life. Any job is better than none, but knuckle down and sort out some direction in your life. Know what you are about work wise and have some idea of your future plans because women will ask questions about your prospects. Even if they pretend it isn't important, it is, trust me on this. It's the first thing they will look for.

  • Do not talk about being in the pub 5 nights a week with the lads. This will never win any woman over. If you spend all your time boozing with the boys, it's time to take a step back and pick up some more productive habits.

  • Keep your boy hobbies in check. If you love your sports and enjoy watching the football with your mates, fine. If sport is a religion and you have your favorite player’s number tattooed on your back, you may have a problem. And if you spend 8 hours a day online playing with wizards and warlocks, try and cut down or quit! It's a complete turn off!

  • Never expect sex on a first date. If all you are after is sex visit a different type of online dating site.

  • Brush up on manners, courtesy and chivalry. A woman likes being treated with respect.

  • Never ever check out other women in her company!

  • Never talk about all the other hot women you’ve dated/dating, it’s rude; and doesn’t make a woman feel good.

  • Never make her feel like she is competing with a dozen other women, women like to feel special; not like they are in a long line of women.

  • Start listening and stop talking. Keep your date interested but don't turn into a one-man show. She will bore of you quickly because she wants to talk about herself too. Listen to things she tells you about her and remember them. Women love to chat so you need to learn to listen to her. Remembering things she told you will impress her even more.

  • Remember guys, the secret to dating women is to make them feel special and wanted; don’t act like a player or the next Hugh Hefner, it's not cool. Remember, if you like them, tell them, and treat them well.

The most successful guys at online dating are the ones who are caring, loving and respectful.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Online Dating Advice for Women

Online Dating Advice for Women: (For women’s eyes only, men stop reading immediately! We don’t want you knowing our Secrets.)

Getting the guys online: The rules of the game

•Always let them come to you. Never chase them online (it’s a complete turn off no matter what you look like.)

•Post the best and hottest photo's you can find and more than one preferably, but make sure it is an accurate photo. Guys will immediately compare your real self to your picture.

•Let yourself be chased, guys are naturally competitive so let them be men. Men, despite what they say, enjoy 'The thrill of the chase.'

•Always reply to emails at least 3 hours after receiving it, never instantly. Don't play games. Just let them know you are not desperate.

•Always date safely and protect yourself, never go to a guy’s house for the first date.

•If you don't want to date married or attached men, spell it out in your profile.

•Don't even think about misrepresenting your size or description. They will find out. I refer back to the point about being honest in your photo.

•Come across as cool but approachable for the best results. Don't try to hard to convince a guy your not desperate, this can back fire!

Golden Dating Rules

•This goes without saying, but look great always. Now I don’t mean go mad and pile on the slap but do make some effort. Men are visual creatures and he will notice. More to the point he will think you have made no effort.

•Never reveal information you don't have to. For instance don’t talk about your ex’s or tell him that this time next year you hope to be married. A mysterious woman drives men wild, and these things MAY put him of.

•Keep dates brief, but your men interested. Less is always more.

•If he offers, let your man pay. If he is interested, he is interested enough to ensure you eat well and get home safely in a cab. Having said this, don't take advantage, do offer to put your hand in your pocket, selfishness is a very unattractive thing. Never offering to pay or go halves will be soon noticed by a man.

•Always keep a guy waiting and never turn up early. It is a lady's prerogative. Strike a balance, he will expect you to be a little late, so stick with this. Anything more is just rudeness.

•Now I’ve mentioned this once but I’ll say it again. Never ever talk about previous boyfriends, particularly their prowess in the bedroom. Your ex-boyfriends are your business only.

•Never assume anything about your date until you choose to get to know him better. You cannot always tell by looking.

•Never ever come across as too available or too desperate. He will run a mile.

•If you want a child, don't mention it on the first few dates.

•Never ever criticize his mother unless you want to remain single.

•Do not psychoanalyze a man, I don't care if you have a degree in psychology, don't do it. It's rude and inappropriate. Find things out naturally, not by force. It's a real turn off.

Please Girls, remember that you are a sexy, hot woman and the world is your oyster, and there are plenty of hot single guys that would love to date you. Always stay safe, never risk yourself and make sure you use a safe online dating website.